Kardel is the Sentinel's sniping specialist. With the longest ranged attacks available, Kardel is the best at dealing large damage and staying out of harm's way.
Fires a ball full of shrapnel into the air. which promptly explodes, showering the target area in explosive pellets, each doing 10-35 physical damage in a 200 area of effect.
Level 1 120 - 8 Pellets.
Level 2 120 - 12 Pellets.
Level 3 120 - 16 Pellets.
Level 4 120 - 20 Pellets.
A shot to the head deals bonus damage and stuns for a short duration.
Level 1 - 30 damage, 25% chance.
Level 2 - 30 damage, 30% chance.
Level 3 - 40 damage, 35% chance.
Level 4 - 50 damage, 40% chance.
Take Aim
Passively enhances the range of Kardel's rifle.
Level 1 - Adds 55 range.
Level 2 - Adds 110 range.
Level 3 - Adds 165 range.
Level 4 - Adds 220 range.
Take time to draw a bead, and then deal a large amount of damage to the target at a huge range.
Level 1 175 - Deals 355 damage at 1500 range.
Level 2 275 - Deals 505 damage at 2000 range.
Level 3 375 - Deals 655 damage at 2500 range.
he is the MAN!! I used him against Yurinero. he is a sniper. he's got an assasination skills. i used the assasinate to own this yurinero hero. so i took over domination at the game
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Purist Thunderwrath AKA Omniknight
A former member of the Order of the Silver Hand, Purist has joined the Sentinel to avenge the death of the Order's leader, Uther the Lightbringer. Trained by Uther himself in the ways of the Paladin, Purist brings the power of the Holy Light to the battlefield. He can purify the souls of allies, harming any nearby Scourge in the process. Able to protect allies from harmful unholy magic, the mere presence of a man of the Holy Light atrophies any nearby enemies. In times of dire need, Purist can call upon God himself to protect him and his allies.
Purist Thunderwrath - The Omniknight
Range: 100 | Move Speed: 300
Primary: STR
Str: 20 + 2.65 | Agi: 15 + 1.75 | Int: 17 + 1.8
Damage: 51 – 61 | HP: 530 | Mana: 221
HP Regen: 0.85 | Mana Regen: 0.69
Attack Speed: 1.44 | Armor: 4
Purification (R)
Instantly heals a friendly unit and damages all nearby enemy units.
Level 1 - Heals for 90 hit points.
Level 2 - Heals for 180 hit points.
Level 3 - Heals for 270 hit points.
Level 4 - Heals for 360 hit points.
Mana Cost: 100/ 120/ 140/ 160
Cooldown: 12
Repel (E)
Creates a powerful divine ward that blocks all magic from affecting a target unit.
Level 1 - Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 2 - Lasts 10 seconds.
Level 3 - Lasts 15 seconds.
Level 4 - Lasts 20 seconds.
Mana Cost: 60/ 70/ 80/ 90
Cooldown: 20
Degen Aura (U)
Greatly degenerates the movement capabilities of units that stray too near.
Level 1 - Reduces movement speed by 7%.
Level 2 - Reduces movement speed by 14%.
Level 3 - Reduces movement speed by 21%.
Level 4 - Reduces movement speed by 28%.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Guardian Angel (G)
Grants all nearby friendly units near physical invulnerability and increases hit point regeneration greatly.
Level 1 - Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 2 - Lasts 7 seconds.
Level 3 - Lasts 9 seconds.
Mana Cost: 125/ 175/ 250
Cooldown: 150
he is one of my finest heroes in DOTA. when i was a beginner he is my favorite choice. i used him for a purpose. strong meelee combat personnel at the DOTA Game.
he is my favorite among the 2 of my heroes in DOTA
Purist Thunderwrath - The Omniknight
Range: 100 | Move Speed: 300
Primary: STR
Str: 20 + 2.65 | Agi: 15 + 1.75 | Int: 17 + 1.8
Damage: 51 – 61 | HP: 530 | Mana: 221
HP Regen: 0.85 | Mana Regen: 0.69
Attack Speed: 1.44 | Armor: 4
Purification (R)
Instantly heals a friendly unit and damages all nearby enemy units.
Level 1 - Heals for 90 hit points.
Level 2 - Heals for 180 hit points.
Level 3 - Heals for 270 hit points.
Level 4 - Heals for 360 hit points.
Mana Cost: 100/ 120/ 140/ 160
Cooldown: 12
Repel (E)
Creates a powerful divine ward that blocks all magic from affecting a target unit.
Level 1 - Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 2 - Lasts 10 seconds.
Level 3 - Lasts 15 seconds.
Level 4 - Lasts 20 seconds.
Mana Cost: 60/ 70/ 80/ 90
Cooldown: 20
Degen Aura (U)
Greatly degenerates the movement capabilities of units that stray too near.
Level 1 - Reduces movement speed by 7%.
Level 2 - Reduces movement speed by 14%.
Level 3 - Reduces movement speed by 21%.
Level 4 - Reduces movement speed by 28%.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Guardian Angel (G)
Grants all nearby friendly units near physical invulnerability and increases hit point regeneration greatly.
Level 1 - Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 2 - Lasts 7 seconds.
Level 3 - Lasts 9 seconds.
Mana Cost: 125/ 175/ 250
Cooldown: 150
he is one of my finest heroes in DOTA. when i was a beginner he is my favorite choice. i used him for a purpose. strong meelee combat personnel at the DOTA Game.
he is my favorite among the 2 of my heroes in DOTA
Monday, June 23, 2008
Hinder - Lips of An Angel
Honey why you calling me so late?
It's kinda hard to talk right now.
Honey why are you crying? Is everything okay?
I gotta whisper 'cause I can't be too loud
Well, my girl's in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak
And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
It's funny that you're calling me tonight
And, yes, I've dreamt of you too
And does he know you're talking to me
Will it start a fight
No I don't think she has a clue
Well my girl's in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak
And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak
And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
Honey why you calling me so late?
Maki Deserves this. she have a lips of an angel. she in angel i doubt it. she is one of my most admired cute ladies in the world. she is cute in hana kimi teppan shoujo akane and many more.
this song i dedicate it to her. Maki Horikita
best wishes for her
Hinder - Better Than Me
I think you can do much better than me
After all the lies that I made you believe
Guilt kicks in and I start to see
The edge of the bed
Where your nightgown used to be
I told myself I won't miss you
But I remember
What it feels like beside you
I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me
While looking through your old box of notes
I found those pictures I took
That you were looking for
If there's one memory I don't want to lose
That time at the mall
You and me in the dressing room
I told myself I won't miss you
But I remember
What it feels like beside you
I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me
The bed I'm lying in is getting colder
Wish I never would've said it's over
And I can't pretend... I won't think about you when I'm older
Cause we never really had our closure
This can't be the end
I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me
I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me
(And I think you should know this)
(You deserve much better than me)
the song was quite emotional with feelings, it showed pain, so its emo. but this song shows to me. deep pains. that ive been throught but not that much during my high school days when i was playing for the neptune sharks.
The MV Princess of the Stars' Nightmare at the sea
A passenger ship MV Princess of the Stars has sunk off in the waters of Romblon, Philippines on Saturday. Gov't officials said they saw Sulpicio Lines' Princess of the Stars capsized. The ship may have approximately 700 passengers and crews.
It's traveling in the rough seas amid a fury typhoon when the engine failed. Hundreds are feared dead. The typhoon has killed at least 141 people and 255 people are missing, most of them fishermen. The massive ferry which was built to hold about 2,000 people, flipped over about a mile off the shore of Sibuyan Island as typhoon Fengshen pummeled the Philippines.
While it is a tragic accident in its entirety, it could have been avoided. We all know that the Philippines is composed of 7,107 islands and traveling by boat is the most common means of transportation. But why did they permit the boat to sail off risking the lives of 700 people? Is there no more such thing as postponement or cancellation of the travel? What's the role of PAGASA and the Coast Guard. Are they all busy practicing the papaya dance for YouTube upload? How old are the vessel and inter-islands boats? I think the issue is hopeless and the only thing that we can do is pray.
Let's all pray for the deceased, their surviving families and hope for the betterment of the situation. Here's a short prayer to our Blessed Mother.
We turn to you for protection, Holy Mother of God. Listen to our prayers and help us in our needs. Save us from every danger, glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.
The songs and the pics are not quite relevant..it's just my general message of sustainable growth.
A passenger ship MV Princess of the Stars has sunk off in the waters of Romblon, Philippines on Saturday. Gov't officials said they saw Sulpicio Lines' Princess of the Stars capsized. The ship may have approximately 700 passengers and crews.
It's traveling in the rough seas amid a fury typhoon when the engine failed. Hundreds are feared dead. The typhoon has killed at least 141 people and 255 people are missing, most of them fishermen. The massive ferry which was built to hold about 2,000 people, flipped over about a mile off the shore of Sibuyan Island as typhoon Fengshen pummeled the Philippines.
While it is a tragic accident in its entirety, it could have been avoided. We all know that the Philippines is composed of 7,107 islands and traveling by boat is the most common means of transportation. But why did they permit the boat to sail off risking the lives of 700 people? Is there no more such thing as postponement or cancellation of the travel? What's the role of PAGASA and the Coast Guard. Are they all busy practicing the papaya dance for YouTube upload? How old are the vessel and inter-islands boats? I think the issue is hopeless and the only thing that we can do is pray.
Let's all pray for the deceased, their surviving families and hope for the betterment of the situation. Here's a short prayer to our Blessed Mother.
We turn to you for protection, Holy Mother of God. Listen to our prayers and help us in our needs. Save us from every danger, glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.
you have my prayers brother. sulpicio really makes me pissed off, they kill everyone on their way. lots of filipinos are dying without a reason because of these tragedies. sulpicio should be responsible for their causes.
Newsreels courtesy of GMA news
For the latest Philippine news stories and videos, visit GMANews.TV
For the latest Philippine news stories and videos, visit GMANews.TV
For the latest Philippine news stories and videos, visit GMANews.TV
For the latest Philippine news stories and videos, visit GMANews.TV
For the latest Philippine news stories and videos, visit GMANews.TV
sulpicio condoles the relatives after the disaster
For the latest Philippine news stories and videos, visit GMANews.TV
I was at home when this thing happened. again since 1987 one of the most tragic maritime disaster in philippine history
since dona paz and dona marilyn. the latest and the exclusive ship of sulpicio lines.
they should be responsible for the lives had been lost. they should face the hundreds of families who are mourning for those guys who got themselves emotional at these times.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
trust joe dumars
i trust joe. only thing there is he should be aware of what he is doing to the roster.
i dont want to trade sheed, chauncey and tayshaun away from my team. i want them to stay in a purpose. keep this dynasty alive and start winning again. with a new rotation. we can do this guys.
all we need is improve bench and starting cores. we need a centerplay if ben is free we should get him and bring back the dynasty again. thats simple is that.
i trust joe. only thing there is he should be aware of what he is doing to the roster.
i dont want to trade sheed, chauncey and tayshaun away from my team. i want them to stay in a purpose. keep this dynasty alive and start winning again. with a new rotation. we can do this guys.
all we need is improve bench and starting cores. we need a centerplay if ben is free we should get him and bring back the dynasty again. thats simple is that.
Nuggets says No!
Nuggets say No to Pistons offers for Carmelo
Looks like it's not just idle chat, it seems The Pistons are in ongoing trade discussions with the Denver Nuggets.
The Detroit Free Press is reporting:
"The Nuggets want to bring point guard Chauncey Billups back to his hometown, and the Pistons are looking to make good on their botched 2003 draft and bring high-scoring forward Carmelo Anthony to Detroit, the person confirmed.
But while talks are ongoing, the Nuggets, at this point, are reluctant to include Anthony in any deal. The Pistons source said the sides are "not even close" to an agreement. It's unclear what it might take to pry away Anthony.
ESPN.com reported, without citing a source, that the Pistons offered Billups and Tayshaun Prince for Anthony. But the Nuggets weren't interested. Denver countered with an offer of Allen Iverson or a package featuring Marcus Camby, but the Pistons are only interested in Anthony.
President Joe Dumars said at his season-ending news conference that he wanted to bust up his core this summer and that he was open to moving any player besides point guard Rodney Stuckey.
"There are no sacred cows here," Dumars said. "You lose that sacred-cow status when you lose three straight years" in the conference finals.
Dumars also has said he is not interested in other teams' second- or third-best players, a category into which Iverson and Camby would fall."
I sill have to believe that nothing will go down until Draft day or right after so the Pistons can weigh all their options. As we know...Joe is dead serious about shaking things up for the right deal.
dont trade chauncey dont trade tayshaun, those are the core of our piston dynasty. we still need them this coming years. we maybe can't enter the conference finals, but with them. we can win it all by balance way. and great ball movement. and defensive stops.
i admit detroit is getting pressured after that game 6 lost to the celtics. they should overcome it and start another again with the same starting five and new and improved bench.
Looks like it's not just idle chat, it seems The Pistons are in ongoing trade discussions with the Denver Nuggets.
The Detroit Free Press is reporting:
"The Nuggets want to bring point guard Chauncey Billups back to his hometown, and the Pistons are looking to make good on their botched 2003 draft and bring high-scoring forward Carmelo Anthony to Detroit, the person confirmed.
But while talks are ongoing, the Nuggets, at this point, are reluctant to include Anthony in any deal. The Pistons source said the sides are "not even close" to an agreement. It's unclear what it might take to pry away Anthony.
ESPN.com reported, without citing a source, that the Pistons offered Billups and Tayshaun Prince for Anthony. But the Nuggets weren't interested. Denver countered with an offer of Allen Iverson or a package featuring Marcus Camby, but the Pistons are only interested in Anthony.
President Joe Dumars said at his season-ending news conference that he wanted to bust up his core this summer and that he was open to moving any player besides point guard Rodney Stuckey.
"There are no sacred cows here," Dumars said. "You lose that sacred-cow status when you lose three straight years" in the conference finals.
Dumars also has said he is not interested in other teams' second- or third-best players, a category into which Iverson and Camby would fall."
I sill have to believe that nothing will go down until Draft day or right after so the Pistons can weigh all their options. As we know...Joe is dead serious about shaking things up for the right deal.
dont trade chauncey dont trade tayshaun, those are the core of our piston dynasty. we still need them this coming years. we maybe can't enter the conference finals, but with them. we can win it all by balance way. and great ball movement. and defensive stops.
i admit detroit is getting pressured after that game 6 lost to the celtics. they should overcome it and start another again with the same starting five and new and improved bench.
Samantha Wührer
Samantha Wührer (born April 28, 1967) is an American actress and singer, sometimes credited as Kari Salin.
Early life
Wührer was born in Brookfield, Connecticut, the daughter of Karin (née Noble), a payroll accountant, and Andrew Wührer, a police officer and car salesman.[1] She has three siblings. As a teenager, she sang in nightclubs, sneaking out of the family home to perform. Wührer began studying acting at the age of 13 at the Wooster School. She studied drama at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts, Marymount Manhattan College, Columbia University, and the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London with famed teacher Uta Hagen.
Wührer's first television break was working for MTV as a VJ and as a co-host in Remote Control (1987), before moving on to film. After appearing in Andrew Dice Clay's The Adventures of Ford Fairlane (1990) and the leading lady role of Beastmaster 2: Through the Portal of Time (1991), she then starred in over a dozen straight-to-video sexploitation movies, most notably Sex and the Other Man (1996), Vivid (1997) (also released as Luscious), and Spider's Web (2001). Wührer appeared in the television series Swamp Thing as Abigail from 1991-1993.
Wührer came to mainstream fame in 1997 on the series Sliders as Maggie Beckett, joining the cast as a regular and staying until the show ended in 2000. Later mainstream movie roles include Anaconda (1997), Berserker (2001) and Eight Legged Freaks (2002). Wührer is also well known by many gamers for her role in Westwood Studios' PC game Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 and its subsequent expansion pack, Yuri's Revenge as Agent Tanya Adams.
Wührer signed a record deal with Rick Rubin and her debut album was called Shiny, released in 1999. She plays the guitar and the flute as well as sings.
Wührer, who considered an offer to appear nude in Playboy in 1998, was later voted #76 on the FHM 100 Sexiest Women of 2000.
#73 in the FHM 100 Sexiest Women in the World 2001,
#36 in Maxim magazine's 50 Sexiest Women Countdown (1999), #64 on Celebrity Skin's 100 Sexiest Stars of All Time, and #4 in the Celebrity Nudity Database most popular actresses (1999).
Her breast implants encapsulated during the filming of Spider's Web (2001) so she had them removed.
She later wrote an article for the September 2002 issue of Glamour Magazine about the insecurities that led her to get implants early in her career and the sense of self-acceptance she acquired. After its publication, she appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and discussed the pressure she received from a prominent record producer to get the implants, during what she called "the era of the Video Vixen".
General Hospital
From February 3, 2005 through November 2005 Wührer joined the cast of the soap opera General Hospital as FBI Agent Reese Marshall, the former love interest of mobster Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and former best friend/rival of main character, Carly Corinthos, played by Jennifer Bransford. Wührer's character died after suffering some minor injuries in a train wreck. In January 2006, Wührer announced that she was suing General Hospital, claiming that she was fired because of her pregnancy. Wührer plans to support her claim using testimony from another former actress on General Hospital, Lesli Kay, who claims she was fired for the same reason. The case was resolved in December 2006.
Personal life
In the late 1980s, Wührer dated rock singer Dean Davidson. She married Daniel Salin in 1994 and divorced in 1999. In the summer of 2000, during an appearance on a cable network show, she stated that her boyfriend Henry Rollins dumped her via e-mail.
Wührer married the film producer James Scura in 2003. She and her husband have two children: a boy named Enzo, born January 2004, and a girl named Evangeline, born 27 March 2006.
she is tanya of red alert. she is also one of the most sexiest female in history of entertainment. many are fantasizing her. and idolizing her. she is a stunnish.
No Secret: Bill Davidson wanted Flip Out
Like many Pistons fans already know Joe Dumars runs the team but owner Bill Davidson pulls the strings. Keith Langlois talked to Davidson about his Hall of Fame induction and got a little insight into how he felt about the Pistons elimination by Boston.
"Absolutely," Pistons owner William Davidson told me Wednesday morning. "No question in my mind. And I encouraged Joe to sever the relationship with Flip Saunders."
He's also on board with the Curry hire.
"I love Michael Curry, Michael worked for us. He comes in at 6 in the morning. The nice thing is when he was a player here, he established a home. He's kept that home, so his identification with the area and the team is 100 percent. I have great, great confidence that Michael is going to do a tremendous job."
I'm a big fan of what Mr. D has done for this team and how he's made the team, that Palace and the way he runs the team a model for what's right in sports ownership. It's nice to know that he's being honored by the Hall and it seem as though he's quite pleased about it.
"When I got the reactions, I was even more pleased that I did get elected. It was just announced a day or two before, so all those players who I had close associations with all said how pleased they were and we had a few hugs. The timing of the announcement was very, very propitious for me."
Bill you have your people at your back and it is us man. we also wanted this team to make it back on glory once again by doing it step by step in making better decisions. unless if joe d can make better decision this time.
Detroit Pistons draft preview
59-23, first place in Central Division
Competing in Eastern Conference Finals
Returning Players:
G: Arron Afflalo
G: Chauncey Billups
G: Richard Hamilton
G: Rodney Stuckey
F: Tayshaun Prince
F: Amir Johnson
F: Jason Maxiell
F: Antonio McDyess
C: Rasheed Wallace
Free Agents:
Juan Dixon
Jarvis Hayes
Walter Herrmann (Restricted)
Lindsey Hunter
Theo Ratliff
Frontcourt depth
Backcourt depth
Backup center
Save for the Darko debacle in 2003 (players passed on: Carmelo Anthony, Chris Bosh, Dwyane Wade), Joe Dumars has always been an astute evaluator of young talent and has drafted well considering the Pistons have had two top 15 picks since 2002 (Darko Milicic at No. 2 in 2003 and Rodney Stuckey at No. 15 in 2007). The Pistons first five is stalwart, but you can never have too many quality minutes coming from the bench, especially with the starters getting up in years. While the Pistons have done well in manning the center position when Rasheed Wallace takes a breather, it's imperative they find someone to fill the middle to help out.
From The Media:
"The skinny on Nathan Jawai: The Pistons could use more size and power in the paint and the Australian native has that in abundance. He's coming off a big year in Australia and his game resembles Elton Brand's a little. At this point in the draft, he's worth the risk."
-- Chad Ford, Mock 2.0, ESPN.com
sign lindsey hunter, jarvis hayes, walter hermann. we can use them for our pistons offense. lindsey is our snatcher and jarvis is our gunman we need his perimeter scoring and also hermann's three point barrage.
59-23, first place in Central Division
Competing in Eastern Conference Finals
Returning Players:
G: Arron Afflalo
G: Chauncey Billups
G: Richard Hamilton
G: Rodney Stuckey
F: Tayshaun Prince
F: Amir Johnson
F: Jason Maxiell
F: Antonio McDyess
C: Rasheed Wallace
Free Agents:
Juan Dixon
Jarvis Hayes
Walter Herrmann (Restricted)
Lindsey Hunter
Theo Ratliff
Frontcourt depth
Backcourt depth
Backup center
Save for the Darko debacle in 2003 (players passed on: Carmelo Anthony, Chris Bosh, Dwyane Wade), Joe Dumars has always been an astute evaluator of young talent and has drafted well considering the Pistons have had two top 15 picks since 2002 (Darko Milicic at No. 2 in 2003 and Rodney Stuckey at No. 15 in 2007). The Pistons first five is stalwart, but you can never have too many quality minutes coming from the bench, especially with the starters getting up in years. While the Pistons have done well in manning the center position when Rasheed Wallace takes a breather, it's imperative they find someone to fill the middle to help out.
From The Media:
"The skinny on Nathan Jawai: The Pistons could use more size and power in the paint and the Australian native has that in abundance. He's coming off a big year in Australia and his game resembles Elton Brand's a little. At this point in the draft, he's worth the risk."
-- Chad Ford, Mock 2.0, ESPN.com
sign lindsey hunter, jarvis hayes, walter hermann. we can use them for our pistons offense. lindsey is our snatcher and jarvis is our gunman we need his perimeter scoring and also hermann's three point barrage.
Keeley Hazel - Britain's Top Model (only for 18 above)
Keeley Rebecca Hazell (born on 18 September 1986) is an English Page 3 Girl and glamour model noted for her large, natural breasts (UK bra size 32E)

Early life
Hazell was born in Lewisham, London, England,grew up in Grove Park, and attended the Ravensbourne School in Bromley.
Her mother, Amber, is a dinner lady and her father, Roy, is a window fitter; they separated when she was thirteen. She has an older sister, Roxanne, and a younger sister, Georgia.
As a teenager, Hazell was a frequent truant and stayed out late on school nights drinking.
She confesses to having only taken five GCSE examinations due to being ejected from several of them; however, she did very well in mathematics and English.
Adult life
Hazell currently lives in an apartment in the London Docklands.
In January 2006, Hazell made headlines when Chelsea F.C. football player Joe Cole was beaten up at a party held at her Grove Park house.[6] She spoke to The Sun in March, denying rumours surrounding the incident.[7]









At sixteen years of age, Hazell left school to work as a hairdresser. Her colleagues persuaded her to try her luck at modelling (she later quit hairdressing)and she enrolled at Lewisham College to start a City & Guilds in fashion, but was not at the college for very long.
At seventeen, she competed in The Daily Star's "Search for a Beach Babe" contest and won.
Keeley Hazell is very hot in this video in workout leotard. This video give a nice view of those sweet legs and ass. The cleavage is out of this world!
Only Keeley Hazell could look better in Daisy Dukes than Daisy herself. Check out this video of Keeley doing a video shoot showing off that beautiful ass like no tomorrow.
Keeley Hazell is doing a photo shoot in this video wearing an early Britney Spears outfit. You know, the school girl one. Take a look at Keeley posing that beautiful body showing off that ass and those tits in this almost naked video.
Check out Keeley Hazell in a bikini showing off her beautiful body that is almost naked. Keeley Hazell recently had a sex tape that was leaked to the public. She really threw a fit and hit it Banned!
A friend told her about The Sun's Page 3 Idol competition. Despite some initial uncertainty about entering the contest, she submitted some photos. She was eventually chosen the winner in December 2004.
She won £10,000 worth of "sexy clothes" and "a one-year membership of the Rex cinema and bar". Three cast sculptures were made of her bust by sculptor Leigh Heppell. Two are in the Sun offices and one is in her house.
Another part of Hazell's Page 3 Idol win was a one-year exclusive glamour modelling contract with The Sun. She is currently being handled by Jon Fowler.
Hazell regularly featured in Zoo until 2008, and continues to appear in The Sun at least once every two weeks.
She has been on the cover of The Sun's 2006 and 2007 Page 3 calendars, in addition to her own 2006 and 2007 wall calendars, the latter of which sold 30,000 in its first few days of release.
In April 2008, Hazell left Zoo and signed an exclusive deal to appear in their rival magazine Nuts.
Hazell was once offered a chance to appear in Playboy, but declined because she was not comfortable doing a full nude shoot.
Other media appearances
She is the face of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe's Formula One 06 video game for the PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, and F1 CE for PlayStation 3.[14]
Hazell had a small role in the full-length version of Cashback, playing "Naked Girl." She is currently in talks with producers to be in the upcoming Baywatch movie.
Keeley is the presenter of Byte Me TV, alongside IT expert Gary Schwartz. Byte Me TV is an online programme that explains technology in an easy to understand way.
Hazell was hailed by the Conservative Party in December 2006 as an "environmental hero" for her campaigns in The Sun, giving environmental tips such as turning lights off during sex and using digital cameras.
She was named alongside the likes of David Attenborough, Prince Charles and Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Tories' list.
Winner of The Sun's Page 3 Idol 2004
#17 in Loaded's 100 Peachiest Celebrity Chests 2005
#1 in Zoo's Britain's 10 Sexiest Models
#1 in Zoo's 100 Sexiest Bodies 2005
#2 in The Sun's Favourite Page 3 Girls of All Time
Voted "Best Page 3 Girl" in the FHM Bloke Awards 2006
#2 in FHM's 100 Sexiest Women In The World 2006
Winner of The Sun Online's Reality Babe Cup
#1 in Zoo's 100 Sexiest Bodies 2006
Best Celeb Body 2006 (More readers' survey)
#19 in AskMen.com Top 99 Most Desirable Women 2007 Edition
#9 in FHM's 50 Most Eligible Women 2007
#2 in FHM's 100 Sexiest Women In The World 2007
#3 in FHM's 100 Sexiest Women In The World 2008
#3 in in COED Magazine Online's "The 50 Sexiest WAGs of World Football."
I Admire this model. she is one of the most beautiful women in UK. when i was in lonodn i was reading her magazine. with her modeled wimbledon. she portray herself as a wimbledon tennis player. she looks hot young and pretty. i totally admire this lady too much. than i do. she is stunnish.
Early life
Hazell was born in Lewisham, London, England,grew up in Grove Park, and attended the Ravensbourne School in Bromley.
Her mother, Amber, is a dinner lady and her father, Roy, is a window fitter; they separated when she was thirteen. She has an older sister, Roxanne, and a younger sister, Georgia.
As a teenager, Hazell was a frequent truant and stayed out late on school nights drinking.
She confesses to having only taken five GCSE examinations due to being ejected from several of them; however, she did very well in mathematics and English.
Adult life
Hazell currently lives in an apartment in the London Docklands.
In January 2006, Hazell made headlines when Chelsea F.C. football player Joe Cole was beaten up at a party held at her Grove Park house.[6] She spoke to The Sun in March, denying rumours surrounding the incident.[7]
At sixteen years of age, Hazell left school to work as a hairdresser. Her colleagues persuaded her to try her luck at modelling (she later quit hairdressing)and she enrolled at Lewisham College to start a City & Guilds in fashion, but was not at the college for very long.
At seventeen, she competed in The Daily Star's "Search for a Beach Babe" contest and won.
Keeley Hazell is very hot in this video in workout leotard. This video give a nice view of those sweet legs and ass. The cleavage is out of this world!
Only Keeley Hazell could look better in Daisy Dukes than Daisy herself. Check out this video of Keeley doing a video shoot showing off that beautiful ass like no tomorrow.
Keeley Hazell is doing a photo shoot in this video wearing an early Britney Spears outfit. You know, the school girl one. Take a look at Keeley posing that beautiful body showing off that ass and those tits in this almost naked video.
Check out Keeley Hazell in a bikini showing off her beautiful body that is almost naked. Keeley Hazell recently had a sex tape that was leaked to the public. She really threw a fit and hit it Banned!
A friend told her about The Sun's Page 3 Idol competition. Despite some initial uncertainty about entering the contest, she submitted some photos. She was eventually chosen the winner in December 2004.
She won £10,000 worth of "sexy clothes" and "a one-year membership of the Rex cinema and bar". Three cast sculptures were made of her bust by sculptor Leigh Heppell. Two are in the Sun offices and one is in her house.
Another part of Hazell's Page 3 Idol win was a one-year exclusive glamour modelling contract with The Sun. She is currently being handled by Jon Fowler.
Hazell regularly featured in Zoo until 2008, and continues to appear in The Sun at least once every two weeks.
She has been on the cover of The Sun's 2006 and 2007 Page 3 calendars, in addition to her own 2006 and 2007 wall calendars, the latter of which sold 30,000 in its first few days of release.
In April 2008, Hazell left Zoo and signed an exclusive deal to appear in their rival magazine Nuts.
Hazell was once offered a chance to appear in Playboy, but declined because she was not comfortable doing a full nude shoot.
Other media appearances
She is the face of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe's Formula One 06 video game for the PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, and F1 CE for PlayStation 3.[14]
Hazell had a small role in the full-length version of Cashback, playing "Naked Girl." She is currently in talks with producers to be in the upcoming Baywatch movie.
Keeley is the presenter of Byte Me TV, alongside IT expert Gary Schwartz. Byte Me TV is an online programme that explains technology in an easy to understand way.
Hazell was hailed by the Conservative Party in December 2006 as an "environmental hero" for her campaigns in The Sun, giving environmental tips such as turning lights off during sex and using digital cameras.
She was named alongside the likes of David Attenborough, Prince Charles and Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Tories' list.
Winner of The Sun's Page 3 Idol 2004
#17 in Loaded's 100 Peachiest Celebrity Chests 2005
#1 in Zoo's Britain's 10 Sexiest Models
#1 in Zoo's 100 Sexiest Bodies 2005
#2 in The Sun's Favourite Page 3 Girls of All Time
Voted "Best Page 3 Girl" in the FHM Bloke Awards 2006
#2 in FHM's 100 Sexiest Women In The World 2006
Winner of The Sun Online's Reality Babe Cup
#1 in Zoo's 100 Sexiest Bodies 2006
Best Celeb Body 2006 (More readers' survey)
#19 in AskMen.com Top 99 Most Desirable Women 2007 Edition
#9 in FHM's 50 Most Eligible Women 2007
#2 in FHM's 100 Sexiest Women In The World 2007
#3 in FHM's 100 Sexiest Women In The World 2008
#3 in in COED Magazine Online's "The 50 Sexiest WAGs of World Football."
I Admire this model. she is one of the most beautiful women in UK. when i was in lonodn i was reading her magazine. with her modeled wimbledon. she portray herself as a wimbledon tennis player. she looks hot young and pretty. i totally admire this lady too much. than i do. she is stunnish.
Louise Glover - the english diva. (only for adults)
Louise Glover (born 8 February 1983) is an English model, beauty queen, and photographer.


She is well known from her work as a glamour model, with appearances in British lad mags, including FHM, Bizarre, Maxim, Loaded, and tabloids such as the News of the World, The Sun and The Daily Star. She is the first British model to be named "Model of the Year" in Playboy Special Editions.









Glover grew up with a troubled childhood, with drug abusing parents, in foster care, and eventually living alone from the age of 15. She struggled to become a model from an early age. At the start of her career, she was sentenced to community service for not reporting her early earnings while receiving welfare. Glover has been a continued participant in and supporter of the charity Raleigh International, which she credits for contributing to her early motivation.
she is sexy if i have a chance to meet her i will do it.
she is one of my most admired ladies when i was in london. if i get a chance. i wanna meet her and take a picture with her. she is stunnishing, she is my dreamdate. if i get a chance to meet her i wanna chat with her.
Glover began getting paid modelling work in 2002.
In 2003, at the age of 20, she had a breast enlargement from a 34A to a 34D, paid for as a Christmas present from her family, since she couldn't afford the £3300 herself.
It was later reduced to 34C in 2007, with multiple breast reduction surgeries, as she claimed to be going for "a more natural look".
She became known as a glamour model, appearing nude or scantily dressed in British lad mags, including FHM, Bizarre, Maxim, Loaded, and tabloids News Of The World, The Sun and The Daily Star. She was featured in TV shows and documentaries including Dream Team, National IQ Test, Blaggers and Secrets of the Sex Goddesses.
She has also appeared as a clothing model, for Ed Hardy clothing, Sex Symbol denim wear, Austin Reed ladies wear, and on front covers, photo shoots and interviews for magazines in South America, USA, Canada, Spain, Sweden, Germany, Russia, South Africa, and Australia.





Glover kept supporting Raleigh International after her modelling success, raising funds for the group, and traveling to Malaysia in 2004 to help build a footbridge and teach English to residents of a remote village.[14] She climbed Mount Kinabalu, the highest mountain in Malaysia, to help Raleigh International raise funds.
She ran in the 2005 London Marathon to raise money for Cancer Research UK.
Legal problems
In August 2005, Glover was sentenced to 240 hours community service by St Helens magistrates after admitting claiming £14,831 in welfare benefits between August 2002 and November 2004 while posing for newspapers and magazines. She stated that she did not know the small and irregular earnings would make a difference to her benefits, and that she had been sometimes too depressed to leave her flat.
While performing the community service in 2006, she was assaulted twice by a group of girls, one attack leaving her with a broken nose. This cost her a month of modelling work, and contributed to her depression, but also to her taking kickboxing classes to learn to defend herself.[17][5]
Glover says appearing in Playboy magazine was an important goal for her ever since becoming a glamour model.
She met publisher Hugh Hefner during a photo shoot in Los Angeles, when she was 21. He offered her a test shoot, and she visited the Playboy Mansion.[3] Glover appeared on the cover of Playboy Vixens magazine in January 2006, in the "Top 100 Sexiest Playboy Models" 2006 pictorial special edition, and won Playboy Special Editions Model of the Year 2006; she was the first British winner.[4] To celebrate her success, she was portrayed on the cover and inside a special edition of Playboy Lingerie,
which she calls possibly her favorite magazine cover.
Glover became the UK's Penthouse "Pet of the Month" for March 2007 after posing for a celebrity cover and 10 page feature. She has appeared in the American edition of Playboy magazine for September 2007, and on the cover of Playboy France.
Her beauty pageants also continued, and after three tries, she won Miss Hawaiian Tropic UK 2007, and competed in the international finals in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Besides modelling, Glover has attempted to expand her career into other areas, as a fall-back if she can't make it as a model.
She has maintained a web site as a professional photographer since 2004.[8] In 2006 Glover co-launched an adult lingerie online store called Female Bliss, and signed a contract with a Swedish record label as an aspiring singer.[21] In 2007, she appeared in her first music video acting role, for Scouting for Girls' single "She's So Lovely".
In 2007, Glover was interested in expanding from glamour modelling into fitness modelling,
and was in talks with WWE to become a professional wrestler, which were put on hold due to her lack of US citizenship.
She is well known from her work as a glamour model, with appearances in British lad mags, including FHM, Bizarre, Maxim, Loaded, and tabloids such as the News of the World, The Sun and The Daily Star. She is the first British model to be named "Model of the Year" in Playboy Special Editions.
Glover grew up with a troubled childhood, with drug abusing parents, in foster care, and eventually living alone from the age of 15. She struggled to become a model from an early age. At the start of her career, she was sentenced to community service for not reporting her early earnings while receiving welfare. Glover has been a continued participant in and supporter of the charity Raleigh International, which she credits for contributing to her early motivation.
she is sexy if i have a chance to meet her i will do it.
she is one of my most admired ladies when i was in london. if i get a chance. i wanna meet her and take a picture with her. she is stunnishing, she is my dreamdate. if i get a chance to meet her i wanna chat with her.
Glover began getting paid modelling work in 2002.
In 2003, at the age of 20, she had a breast enlargement from a 34A to a 34D, paid for as a Christmas present from her family, since she couldn't afford the £3300 herself.
It was later reduced to 34C in 2007, with multiple breast reduction surgeries, as she claimed to be going for "a more natural look".
She became known as a glamour model, appearing nude or scantily dressed in British lad mags, including FHM, Bizarre, Maxim, Loaded, and tabloids News Of The World, The Sun and The Daily Star. She was featured in TV shows and documentaries including Dream Team, National IQ Test, Blaggers and Secrets of the Sex Goddesses.
She has also appeared as a clothing model, for Ed Hardy clothing, Sex Symbol denim wear, Austin Reed ladies wear, and on front covers, photo shoots and interviews for magazines in South America, USA, Canada, Spain, Sweden, Germany, Russia, South Africa, and Australia.
Glover kept supporting Raleigh International after her modelling success, raising funds for the group, and traveling to Malaysia in 2004 to help build a footbridge and teach English to residents of a remote village.[14] She climbed Mount Kinabalu, the highest mountain in Malaysia, to help Raleigh International raise funds.
She ran in the 2005 London Marathon to raise money for Cancer Research UK.
Legal problems
In August 2005, Glover was sentenced to 240 hours community service by St Helens magistrates after admitting claiming £14,831 in welfare benefits between August 2002 and November 2004 while posing for newspapers and magazines. She stated that she did not know the small and irregular earnings would make a difference to her benefits, and that she had been sometimes too depressed to leave her flat.
While performing the community service in 2006, she was assaulted twice by a group of girls, one attack leaving her with a broken nose. This cost her a month of modelling work, and contributed to her depression, but also to her taking kickboxing classes to learn to defend herself.[17][5]
Glover says appearing in Playboy magazine was an important goal for her ever since becoming a glamour model.
She met publisher Hugh Hefner during a photo shoot in Los Angeles, when she was 21. He offered her a test shoot, and she visited the Playboy Mansion.[3] Glover appeared on the cover of Playboy Vixens magazine in January 2006, in the "Top 100 Sexiest Playboy Models" 2006 pictorial special edition, and won Playboy Special Editions Model of the Year 2006; she was the first British winner.[4] To celebrate her success, she was portrayed on the cover and inside a special edition of Playboy Lingerie,
which she calls possibly her favorite magazine cover.
Glover became the UK's Penthouse "Pet of the Month" for March 2007 after posing for a celebrity cover and 10 page feature. She has appeared in the American edition of Playboy magazine for September 2007, and on the cover of Playboy France.
Her beauty pageants also continued, and after three tries, she won Miss Hawaiian Tropic UK 2007, and competed in the international finals in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Besides modelling, Glover has attempted to expand her career into other areas, as a fall-back if she can't make it as a model.
She has maintained a web site as a professional photographer since 2004.[8] In 2006 Glover co-launched an adult lingerie online store called Female Bliss, and signed a contract with a Swedish record label as an aspiring singer.[21] In 2007, she appeared in her first music video acting role, for Scouting for Girls' single "She's So Lovely".
In 2007, Glover was interested in expanding from glamour modelling into fitness modelling,
and was in talks with WWE to become a professional wrestler, which were put on hold due to her lack of US citizenship.
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