an achivement that ive done so far this year
since december 16th.
last year i haven't completed the misa de gallo
which consists of 10 evening masses which is
a traditional way of the hispanic filipinos celebrate
their christmas.
it was a devastating failure of my whole christmas experience
not completing the misa de gallo.
as a christian i embrace this kind of tradition
because you can see the stunnishing choirs competing
with each other.
i love the commotions outside, the priest's homily ceremonies
and nevertheless the sacrifice. i walk from my house up to church
for just a distant of 9 kilometers i think.
i love the music. the christmas songs. i think of my childhood days
when i here gunter kallman choir singin. around me. its really a christmas season
for me. they are the sign of the christmas eve.
thank god ive made my own words.
as ive said before i am a man of my word. i did it. i finished my 10 day mass
alongside with my aunty and my beloved mom.
merry christmas everyone.
and have a pleasant happy new year.
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